Wednesday, December 12, 2012

4 in 1

Assalamualaikum people, lama gila tak sign in blogspot. , haha
Sebab aku memang pemalas nak buat banyak-banyak entri,mari kita gabung sekali empat okay.

#first day class

 #third day class, second day ponteng ;p

first week kuliah,heaven woi. Kos lain first day dah cover first chapter,manakala kiteorang first week kelas cancel for the one week. Stress tau dah semangat first week  masuk kelas,suddenly got cancel. T.T. 
Alhamdulillah mostly lecturer for this sem banyak lecturer masa part 1,2 dulu. Adalah 2 orang lecturer yang baru mengajar . Time table pun best,jumaat takde kelas,so khamis dah boleh balik, yeay !

Maka,sebab kelas asyik cancel,kami mengjoinkan diri pergi talk Voice of Justice. Biar timbul keinsafan sikit.

 pentomin student part one. Serious memang seram dengar budak ni bersajak,meremang ,talk ni pasal gaza,yang kita dengar / tonton di kaca tv tu baru sikit,dekat talk ni lagi banyak yang kita tak tahu,Moga Allah pinjamkan mereka kekuatan untuk menentang zionis laknatullah.

Ahad lepas, part 4's module, yeay! Module for this sem quite interesting coz outdoor activity, before this,indoor which were freaking bored. Make a group,do paper work, ice breaking,blablabla.Serious totally not me, I'm the one who love outdoor. And this sem module was like jungle trekking and got some task need to be complete in every check point. Seriously man,freaking tired coz we need to walk almost 8.5 km w our group members ;D, Alhamdulillah, iolls get the funniest team members.

 there are two sessi, in the morning we were forced by the admin to listen some kind of ceramah -.-.
and after zohor,the journey to the jungle begin. Our group were named as Machan Kemayoran which mean as Pahlawan Harimau in Indonesia's language. Plus we want to give our support to Harimau Malaya.
 last check point,phewww
 proud to be "Macan Kemayoran"
 our flag ;D
 while waiting for the winner

Enough with the module, hehe. Monday was my birthday,so happy birthday to me . And thanks to my lovely Aishah for the coolblog's treat. First time try this,sedapppppp ;D
 after  class, my kesayangams were  managed to celebrate my birthday,hehe
 thanks ayu belanja semorang ice cream.

 mine- cabonara,tak sedap -,-
 Aisyah's kueh teow basah. Since when u like my fav food aisyah?hahah
 Dayah's kueh teow soup

Alhamdulillah,ketika umur menginjak ke 19 tahun,masih lagi diberi peluang untuk bernafas,masih belajar untuk menyesuaikan diri dalam mengharungi sepak terajang kehidupan,masih mencuba untuk menjadi seorang hamba yang sentiasa patuh dan taat kepadaNya,masih lagi cuba untuk menjadi seorang manusia yang membanggakan kedua ibu bapa dan orang sekelilingnya. Thanks for the wishes and the doa. May Allah bless u guys

Thanks  mak ayah,kerana  telah melahirkan & membesarkan dengan penuh kasih sayang ,Thanks to gigs yang wish,eventho kita jauh tapi korang tak lupa,thanks to my kesayangams coz never fail to cheer me up,and thanks to everyone ;D

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